你好,我是英语专栏的编辑阿锦,欢迎来到第 8 期的“每周一起背 10 句”。
不知不觉,我们的课程已经进行了 2 个月啦,很快就要进入尾声了。本周我们主要学习了阅读和写作技巧相关的内容,比如 paraphrase、金字塔原理。专栏已经过了大半,不知道学到现在你对英语学习有没有找到什么感觉呢?你可以在留言区说说你现在对于英语学习的感想,我们一起聊聊。
本周呢,我们没有读新的文章,主要侧重讲了一些方法,因此,我们今天来做一些练习。你来试着用 paraphrase 的两种技巧——词汇替换和句子结构调整,来改写一下下面这几段话,重点词汇我已经给你标注在里面了。快来试试吧!
This one seems to make sense – if engineers were creative, wouldn’t they have decided to be artists, writers, or some other “Fine Arts” profession? Wrong!
The key word in being creative is right there – to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that influence people every day.
Whether your work goes into consumer applications, devices, or machines, the end product of engineering work is used by other people.
If engineers suppressed their creativity, they would miss out on a lot of insights into ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.
Every day, engineers need to find new ways to think outside the box to tackle new challenges.
They have the fabulous opportunity and responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen.
That is at the heart of what creativity is all about and it should be inspiring and exciting for engineers.
For example, engineering innovations have been a big part of healthcare improvement over the years.
From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.
上次更新 10100-01-10