今天我们继续来阅读The Product-Minded Software Engineer这篇文章,我给你精讲文章的第七、八段。今天的内容比较长,我会分成上下两篇来给你讲解。
- Quick product validation cycles
Even before the feature they are working on is production-ready, product-minded engineers find creative ways to get early feedback. This could be doing hallway testing with colleagues, showing the work-in-progress feature to the product manager, organizing a team bug bash on the beta build, and many other, creative ways. They are continuously thinking: “how can we validate that people will use this feature, the way we think they will?”
7. 快速的产品验证周期
甚至在开发的产品功能可以上线之前,具有产品思维的工程师们早就已经找到创造性的方法来获取早期的反馈意见。他们可以和同事一起进行走廊测试,可以向产品经理演示尚在开发中的功能,也可以在 Beta 版本发布前组织整个团队来一场“漏洞大扫荡”,当然还有许多其他创造性的方法。他们会一直思考这个问题:“我们怎样才能验证用户们会像我们预期的那样来使用这个功能?”
第一句的前半部分 Even before the feature they are working on is production-ready,是时间状语从句,表示“在功能上线之前”。其中,even 表示“高于预期,甚至”。
主语 the feature 后面跟了一个定语从句,强调是“工程师们正在开发的”。在功能上线之前,工程师们就已经找到了创造性的方法来获取早期的反馈意见。
除此之外,最后一句的标黑处 people will use this feature, the way we think they will?,这是比较随意的说法,相对规范一点的说法为:people will use this feature in the way we think they will. 当然原文并不影响意思的表达和理解,无伤大雅。但是一般我看到不太规范的地方,总是忍不住要去修改,或许这也是一种“语言洁癖”的症状吧……
This could be doing hallway testing with colleagues, showing the work-in-progress feature to the product manager, organizing a team bug bash on the beta build, and many other, creative ways.
work-in-progress 是一个不可数名词,指“半成品、在制品、在建项目”,有时会缩写为 WIP。在文章中指“尚在开发过程中的应用软件”。这里是名词作形容词来修饰 feature,即“在开发中的软件的某项功能”。我们来看一个例句。
例句:You are strongly encouraged to save your document frequently, back-up regularly, and print your work-in-progress periodically.
2.bug bash
这里的 bash,原意是“猛烈击打”。我们先来看维基百科给出的 bug bash 的定义。
In software development, a bug bash is a procedure where all the developers, testers, program managers, usability researchers, designers, documentation folks, and even sometimes marketing people, put aside their regular day-to-day duties and“pound on the product”—that is, each exercises the product in every way they can think of. Because each person will use the product in slightly different (or very different) ways, and the product is getting a great deal of use in a short amount of time, this approach may reveal bugs relatively quickly.
- End-to-end product feature ownership
Most experienced engineers own their work end-to-end: from getting the specification, through implementing it, all the way to rolling it out and validating that it works correctly. Product-minded engineers often go a step beyond this.
They consider their work done only after getting results on user behavior and business metrics. After rollout, they still actively engage with product managers, data scientists, and customer support channels, to learn how the feature is being used in the real world. It can take weeks to get enough reliable data to draw conclusions. Even though they might be working on a new project, they make checking on the results one of their top priorities. It’s not a time-consuming activity, but it needs that additional persistence from someone wanting to know: how is my work really doing?
When a feature performs worse than expected, they are curious to understand where the mismatch was. They are just as interested in finding the root cause between the product plan and the real world result, as they are to debug a hard-to-reproduce bug in the codebase. They’ll often spend a good amount of time debating hypothesizes and learnings with the product manager and data scientists.
- 对产品功能从头至尾负责到底
我们先来看小标题中的 ownership 这个词。
它由 owner(物主、所有权人)加上 ship(表示地位、状态、关系的后缀,例如 leadership/friendship/dictatorship/partnership 等等)组成,本意是“物主身份、产权关系”。
例句:On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.
翻译:1 月 23 日,美国决定放宽对外国持有美国航空公司所有权的管制规定。
例句:Major breakthroughs have been made in the reform of China’s ownership structure.
这里的 ownership 指的是“产权体制”。说到产权体制,我这里顺便给你普及一下两类特别容易混淆的企业概念。
在国内,论及所有制(即 ownership)的时候,我们会区分国有企业、集体企业和非公有制企业(包括私营企业)等。而西方国家在对市场中的企业类型进行划分时,更常用的是 private company 和 public company 这两个相对的概念。
初学者看到这组词的时候,容易望文生义,认为 private company 是“私营企业或者民营企业”,那么 public company 一定是“公有体制下的国有企业”。如果这么理解的话,那就大错特错啦。国有企业现在约定俗成的说法叫 state-owned-enterprise,缩写是 SOE。
那 private company 和 public company 到底是什么意思呢?我们来看下下面这段英文解释。
Privately held companies are—no surprise here—privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by its founders, management, or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold all or a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering (IPO), meaning shareholders have a claim to part of the company’s assets and profits.
根据这段解释,我们可以看出,private company 或者 privately held company 指的是“私人控股或持股公司”,一般由创始人、管理层或一群私人投资者拥有产权。
而 public company 其实指的是“公众持股公司”,大多数时候我们也可以称为“上市公司(listed company)”,指通过股权首次公开发行(或简称 IPO)向公众出售公司全部或部分资产的公司,当然持有股票的公众股东理论上可分享上市公司一定比例的资产和利润。
最重要的是,一旦一个私人公司成为公众公司(英文可以叫 goes public),就不能再享有闭门经营、少数几个经营者说了算的自由,公众公司必须接受证券交易监督管理委员会的监管,满足定期向股东和公众进行信息披露的要求。公众公司也可以进行“私有化”(privatization,如果是一家上市公司,就是“退市”),私有化和公募上市是一个反向的过程。
One of the biggest differences between the two types of companies is how they deal with public disclosure. If it’s a public U.S. company, which means it is trading on a U.S. stock exchange, it is typically required to file quarterly earnings reports (among other things) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This information is made available to shareholders and the public. Private companies, however, are not required to disclose their financial information to anyone, since they do not trade stock on a stock exchange.
由财产权引申出来,我们经常会听到 Kate owns this project 这样的话,表面意思是“凯特拥有这个项目”,指的是“这个项目的负责人是凯特”。
文章中 ownership 的意思其实也是负责某个项目或某项工作的状态。字面上看,就是把公司的事情真正当作自己的,做事一跟到底,对结果负责。这一段小标题里面的 end-to-end(端到端),也是进一步强调了 ownership 这个意思。
所以,ownership 其实也用来表示一个人有责任心,有主人翁精神,是一种可贵的、自发投入的工作状态。很多企业都会在自己的公司文化中倡导员工的 ownership 意识,和公司同心同德。
4.from…through… (all the way) to…
Most experienced engineers own their work end-to-end: from getting the specification, through implementing it, all the way to rolling it out and validating that it works correctly.
仔细读,我们能发现,这是一个从 A 经过 B 到 C 的句型。all the way 表示“一直、自始至终”。ABC 可以是“时间、地点、一连串先后发生的事件”。此外,all the way through 也是一个惯用成语。
例句:I slept all the way through the film.
Product-minded engineers often go a step beyond this.
介词 beyond 在英语日常表达中很常用,是充分体现英语语言效率的高能小词。它最核心的含义就是“超出范围”。在时间、空间、能力范围以外,基本都可以用这个词。
前几年北京雾霾比较严重的日子,AQI(Air Quality Index,空气质量指数)超过 500,我们会说“爆表了”,英文表述就是 beyond index(超出了正常的指数计量范围)。
例句:The night session will go beyond midnight.
例句:Jenna always wondered what was beyond the horizon.
例句:What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension.
上次更新 10100-01-10